2016 June Microsoft Official New Released 70-511 Q&As in GreatExam.com!
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Following questions and answers are all new published by Microsoft Official Exam Center: (The full version is in the end of the article!!!)
You are developing a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application.
All of the application styles are in a file named Themes.dll.
You have the following markup segment.
<Border Style=”{StaticResource BlueBackground)” Height=”100″ Width=”200″>
BlueBackground is defined in a XAML file named BlueTheme.xaml.
The XAML markup is compiled into the Themes.dll file.
You need to ensure that the XAML file is referenced so that the application can apply the settings in the BlueBackground style.
What should you do?
A. Add the following line to Window.Resources.
Source=”/Themes;component/BlueTheme.xaml” />
B. Add the following line to Window.Resources.
Source=”pack://application:,,,/Themes;BlueTheme.xaml” />
C. Add the following line to Border.Resources.
Source=”/Themes;component/BlueTheme.xaml” />
D. Add the following line to Border.Resources.
Source=”pack://application:,,,/Themes;BlueTheme.xaml” />
Answer: A
You are developing a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application.
The main window of the application is defined by the following markup.
<Grid ShoTJGridLines=”True”>
<ColumnDefinition />
<ColumnDeiinition />
</Grid.ColumnDef initions>
<RowDefinition />
<RowDefinition />
<RowDefinition />
<TextBlock Grid.Row=”0″ HorizontalAlignment=”Center”> Products Shipped</TextBlock>
<TextBlock Grid.Row=”l” Grid.Column=”0″>
Quarter K/TextBlock>
<TextBlock Grid.Row=”2″ Grid.Column=”0″>
Quarter 2</TextBlock>
<TextBlock Grid.Row-“!” Grid.Column?quot;”>;
<TextBlock Grid.Row=”2″ Grid.Coluitin=”l”>
When the application is run, it appears as follows.
You need to ensure that the TextBlock control with the contents “Products Shipped” is horizontally centered on the Grid control.
Which markup segment should you add to the TextBlock control?
A. GridVleu.ColumnCollection=”l, 2″
B. Grid.ColumnSpan=”2″
C. Manipulation. ManipulationParaxneter”2″
D. TextBlock.TextAlignment=”Center”
Answer: B
You are developing a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application for a travel reservation system.
You need to ensure that users can select a range of travel dates.
What should you do?
A. Add a single DatePicker control to the design surface.
B. Add a single Calendar control to the design surface.
C. Add a single MediaElement control to the design surface to display a calendar.
D. Add the appropriate Windows Forms references to the project references.
Add a single Windows Forms DateTimePicker control to the design surface.
Answer: B
You use Microsoft .NET Framework 4 to create a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application.
The application contains the following code fragment.
<TextBlock Style=”{StaticResource MyStyle)”>Hello World</TextBlock> <Button Style=”{StaticResource MyStyle} “>Ok</Button> </StackPanel>
You need to define a style that applies the following properties to the text in the StackPanel object:
FontSize = 32
FontWeight = Bold
Which code fragment should you use?
A. <Style x:Key=”MyStyle” TargetType-“{x:Type Control}”>
<Setter Property=”TextElement.FontSize” Value=”32″ />
<Setter Property-“TextElement.FontWeight” Value=”Bold” />
B. <Style x:Key=”MyStyle” TargetType=”{ x : Type Framework-Element} “>
<Setter Property=”TextElement.FontSize” Value=”32″ />
<Setter Property=”TextElement.FontWeight” Value=”Bold” />
C. <Style x:Key=”MyStyle” TargetType=”{x:Type TextElement}”>
<Setter Property=”Control.FontSize” Value=”32″ />
<Setter Property=”Control.FontWeight” Value=”Bold” />
D. <Style x:Key=”MyStyle” TargetType-“{x:Type UserControl)”>
<Setter Property=”Control.FontSize” Value=”32″ />
<Setter Property=”Control.FontWeight” Value=”Bold” />
Answer: B
You are developing a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application.
You need to use XAML to create a custom control that contains two Button controls.
From which base class should you inherit?
A. FrameworkElement
B. UIEIement
C. UserControl
D. Button
Answer: C
You use Microsoft .NET Framework 4 to create a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application.
You create a Button control for the application.
You need to ensure that the application meets the following requirements:
– When the mouse pointer is over the Button control, the background color of the button is set to red and the Button control appears bigger.
– When the mouse pointer is not over the Button control, the button returns to its original state.
What should you do?
A. Create a template. Declare a VisualState element in the template.
B. Create a StoryBoard animation.
Add an EventTrigger class to the Button control that begins the StoryBoard animation.
C. Create a ScaleTransform class.
Bind the ScaleX and ScaleY properties of the Button control to the Background property by
using a custom value converter.
D. Add a method named ChangeAppearance in the code-behind file.
Subscribe the ChangeAppearance method to the MouseEnter event of the Button control,
Answer: A
You are developing a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application.
The application contains the following code in the code-behind file for an application window. (Line numbers are included for reference only.)
01 Dim stack As StackPanel = New StackPanel()
02 Content = stack
03 For i As Integer = 0 To 9
04 Dim btn As Button = New Button ()
05 btn.Name = Convert.ToChar (Asc(“A”) + i) .ToString ()
06 btn.Content – btn.Name “says” “Click me1”
08 Next
You need to ensure that all of the Button controls that are defined in this code segment appear in the application window.
Which code segment should you insert at line 07?
A. stack.Children.Add (btn)
B. stack.Children.Insert (i + 1, btn)
C. Content = btn
D. Content = New Button ()
With {Name = (Asc(“A”) + i) .ToString(), .
Content = (i & ” says Click me'”).ToString()}
Answer: A
You use Microsoft .NET Framework 4 to create a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application.
The application contains a set of Button controls.
You need to ensure that any button that contains no content is highlighted when the mouse pointer is located over it.
Which code fragment should you use?
A. <Style TargetType=”{x:Type Button)”>
<Setter Property=”Background” Value=”Yellow” />
<Condition Property=”IsHouseOver, Value “True” />
<Condition Property=”Content” Value=”{x:Null>” />
B. <Style TargetType=”{x:Type Button)”>
<Style.Tr iggers>
<Trigger Property=”IsMouseOver” Value=”True”>
<Setter Property=”Back:ground” Value=”Yellow” />
<Trigger Property=”Content” Value=”{x:Null}”>
<Setter Property=”Back:ground” Value=”Yellow” />
C. <Style TargetType=”{x:Type Button)”>
<Setter Property=”Background” Value=”Yellou” />
<Style.Tr iggers>
<Condition Property=”IsMouseOver” Value=”True” />
<Condition Property=”Content” Value=”Empty” />
D. <Style TargetType=”{x:Type Button)”>
<Trigger Property=”IsMouseOver” Value=”True”>
<Setter Property=”Back:ground” Value=”Yellow” />
<Trigger Property=”Content” Value=”Empty”>
<Setter Property?quot;Backgroun”; Value”;Yello”; >;
Answer: A
You use Microsoft .NET Framework 4 to create a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application.
The application has multiple data entry windows.
Each window contains controls that allow the user to type different addresses for shipping and mailing.
All addresses have the same format.
You need to ensure that you can reuse the controls.
What should you create?
A. a user control
B. a data template
C. a control template
D. a control that inherits the Canvas class
Answer: A
You are developing a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application to play audio files. You add a MediaElement control named mediaElementl and a Button control named btnPlayAudio to the design surface.
The MediaElement control Source attribute is set to an audio file.
The LoadedBehavior attribute is set to Manual.
You add the following code to the main window.
Sub playCoinroand_Executed (ByVal sender As Object,
ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
MediaElenient 1.Play ()
End Sub
You set the command of the button to MediaCommands.Play.
You need to ensure that the application will play the audio file when the button is pressed.
What should you add to the constructor of the main window?
A. Dim piayCommand As RoutedCommand = New RoutedCommand()
AddHandler playCommand.CanExecuteChanged,
New EventHandler(AddressOf playComrnand_Executed)
Me.CommandBindings.Add(New CoinmandBinding (playCommand))
B. Dim playCommand As RoutedUICommand = New RoutedUICommand()
AddHandler playCommand.CanExecuteChanged,
New EventHandler(AddressOf playCommand_Executed) Me .
CommandBindings .Add (New CommandBinding (playCommand) )
C. Dim playCommand As CoinmandBinding =
New CommandBinding(MediaCommands.Play)
AddHandler playCommand.CanExecute,
New CanExecuteRoutedEventHandler(
AddressOf playCommand_Executed)
D. Dim playCommand As CoinmandBinding =
New CoinmandBinding (MediaCommands.Play)
AddHandler playCommand.Executed,
New ExecutedRoutedEventHandler(
AddressOf playCommand_Executed)
Answer: D
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